Tuesday –
A. 10 min alt EMOM;
A1. 3x Hang Power Snatch + 3x OHS
A2. 5x Snatch Extension @ A1 weight
work up in weight as needed for A1 [match the weight in A2, aka, same load]
B. Benchmark WOD: "Nancy"
5 Rounds for time;
400m Run
15x OHS 96/65#
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Tuesday –
A. 10 min alt EMOM;
A1. 3x Hang Power Snatch + 3x OHS
A2. 5x Snatch Extension @ A1 weight
work up in weight as needed for A1 [match the weight in A2, aka, same load]
B. Benchmark WOD: "Nancy"
5 Rounds for time;
400m Run
15x OHS 96/65#