CFTO would like to thank all of those who serve/have served in our military and armed forces. It is because of you that we get to do what we do in this great country.
Our Veteran's Day Tribute WOD will be tomorrow morning at 9:30am!
We will be doing THREE WISE MEN. For more information, go here:
Friday –
A. One set every 2 min for 10 min
2x Snatch Extension + 2x Hang Squat Snatch -
reset then 1x Squat Snatch + 1x Snatch Balance
about 70% of max
B. One set every 2 min for 10 min
1x Clean Extension + 1x Hang Squat Clean + 1x Push Press
then reset 1x Clean & Jerk [squat clean & split jerk] about 70% of max
For time:
Double Unders
10x Burpees After each set