Wednesday –
A. 7 Sets
Front Squat x 3 reps;
one set every 2 min for 14 min;
work up to a moderate set of 3 reps
B. 3 Sets
Push Press x 8 reps
work up to a moderate set of 8 reps
C. 12 min AMRAP
50x Wall Ball
40x Toes to Bar
30x HSPU
20x Pistol
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Wednesday –
A. 7 Sets
Front Squat x 3 reps;
one set every 2 min for 14 min;
work up to a moderate set of 3 reps
B. 3 Sets
Push Press x 8 reps
work up to a moderate set of 8 reps
C. 12 min AMRAP
50x Wall Ball
40x Toes to Bar
30x HSPU
20x Pistol